The argument: E) Why the Arguments Supporting
the Boro Park Eruv Would
Not Apply in Crown Heights
The exponents of the Boro Park eruv base their argument
on the thesis that the question of whether
or not an eruv can be
established does not depend on the number of inhabitants of the city as a whole, but on the number of people who pass on a city's main street and the other roads leading
into it. Their
rationale is that the cities
of the Talmudic era consisted of one main thoroughfare with side streets
leading into it. This
was its public domain. Thus, they contend, if 600,000 people do not pass through the main street of a neighborhood and its side streets on one day, that neighborhood is not considered a public
As mentioned, according to the Alter Rebbe,
the emphasis is on the city as a whole,
not on its main street. However, even according to the other approach, there is a fundamental difference between Crown Heights and other
neighborhoods. Eastern Parkway
is a major thoroughfare with many other streets
leading into it. Besides all the people who
live in the neighborhoods surrounding it, many
commuters on public
transport use it and a large number of cars pass through. Hence, it is quite likely
that 600,000 people pass through
it and its side streets on an ordinary
The rebuttal: As I
mentioned previously, no one of stature argues that shishim ribo is
conditional of the population of the city. This is a modern day argument. The
Alter Rebbe certainly does not understand the criterion as such either. It is
simply untrue that there is a difference between Crown Heights and Boro
Park. The same argument which is being
made about Eastern Parkway was made about Ocean Parkway, and most rabbanim
allow an eruv that would include Ocean Parkway.
writer declares, without any substantiation, that those who uphold that the
criterion of shishim ribo is conditional of a street, would include
those people traversing the side streets leading into the thoroughfare in the
In fact, this entire argument is specious. Roads that bisect main thoroughfares
would not be included in the count of those traversing the main roadway; we
only judge the volume of people traversing each section and not the entire
length of the roadway in order to calculate the total (see Bais Ephraim,
siman 26 p. 47; Yeshuos Malko, siman 27; Bais Shearim,
the end of siman 132, and Minchas Yitzchak, 8:32). It is
illogical to include the entire length of a thoroughfare in one aggregate. Those
entering along one section of the roadway are only traversing that particular
section and are independent of those traveling along the roadway at a different
Furthermore, as mentioned above, Rav Moshe admitted that
the simple reading of the Shulchan Aruch (shishim ribo ovrim bo
b’chol yom) is that the criterion of shishim ribo is conditional of
the street and of the myriads traversing that particular section of the road on
a daily basis (Igros Moshe, O.C. 1:139:5, 4:87). Therefore,
Rav Moshe posited that in order to classify a intercity road (which the writer
argues Eastern Parkway is) as a reshus harabbim, according to the Shulchan
Aruch 600,000 people would need to traverse a particular section of the
road on a daily basis (ibid., 5:28:16). Accordingly,
we would not include vehicles or individuals entering the roadway at different
points in the total count as they are each traveling along different segments
of the roadway.
the Bais Av weighed in on this matter, as well. In the same teshuvah
and seif that the Rebbe quoted, the Bais Av (2:5:3) clearly
states that the requirement of the criterion of shishim ribo is that the
600,000 people gather in one place. No doubt the Bais Av maintains that
only those people traversing a particular section of a road are included in the
Consequentially, since no section of Eastern Parkway
includes shishim ribo traversing it, we would not classify the parkway
as a reshus harabbim.
most poskim maintain[9]
that the occupants of a vehicle are not tallied in the shishim ribo. See
note [10]
below concerning the Alter Rebbe’s opinion in regards to the occupants of
vehicles. Therefore, there is no doubt that there is nowhere near shishim
ribo traversing the parkway.
any case, even according to the writer, you would think that since he declared that,
“it is quite likely that 600,000 people pass through Eastern Parkway on an
ordinary day,” he would have done some research and perused the city’s
statistics to ascertain if it is even a remote possibility. However, it does
not seem like the writer did any investigating since he did not offer any
figures to go with his claim. Actually, even the suggestion itself is spurious
for if we were to include the entire length of Eastern Parkway in one tally, it
is not credible to claim, in a borough as vast as Brooklyn, that one out of
every 4.3 people of the entire borough’s population (2,600,000) is traversing
Eastern Parkway on any given day (even if we added the few hundred thousand
people who come into the borough daily). In fact, the statistics corroborate that
this is an incorrect suggestion (see note [11]
below for the figures).
[8] It is interesting that
Rabbi Levine argues that the criterion of shishim ribo cannot be
conditional of a street because it would be difficult for 600,000 people to
traverse a sixteen amos wide street in a single day. Clearly Rabbi
Levine understood that those who maintain that the criterion is conditional on
a street require the myriads to traverse each section of the roadway. If Rabbi
Levine would allow that the criterion includes those passing over any section along
the entire length of the roadway and that we include the population of the
streets leading into the main thoroughfare, his proof would be inconclusive
since it would be much more of a probability for the collective count of a
lengthy roadway to include 600,000 people traversing it on a daily basis (as
they are actually claiming here regarding Eastern Parkway).
This begs the question
of why, at this point, is Rabbi Levine arguing that, even according to those
who posit that the criterion of shishim ribo is conditional of a street,
Eastern Parkway is definitely a reshus harbbim because of the collective
number of people from all the segments of the parkway, when previously he
understood that we would only count each section separately. This is the fallacy of the entire treatise; Rabbi
Levine is so aggressive in labeling Crown Heights as a reshus harabbim that
he lost track of what he wrote previously.
[9] See the following poskim who
maintain that the occupants of a vehicle are not tallied in the shishim ribo:
Sheilas Yavetz, 1:7; Bais Ephraim, O.C. 26; Yeshuos
Malko, siman 26-27; Tikkun Eruvin Krakow, 1:3; Maharsham,
1:162; Harei B’samim, 5:73; Bais Av, 2:9:3; Chavalim BaNe’imim,
O.C. 3:14; Mahari Stief, siman 68; Divrei Yatziv,
2:172:13; V’yaan Yoseph, 1:155:1; Kuntres Tikkun Eruvin Manhattan,
siman 12 p. 105; Kinyan Torah, 4:40:6, Tzitz Eliezer, as
cited in The Contemporary Eruv, 2002 p. 54 note 119.
The reason is either because a vehicle in
itself is considered a reshus hayachid and therefore its occupants are
not part of the total or because we only include pedestrians (holchei regel)
who traverse the street in the tally. It’s important to note that the concept
that only holchei regel create a reshus harabbim is already
mentioned in the Rishonim (Or Zarua, Hilchos Erev Shabbos
siman 4 and Rabbeinu Avraham ben HaRambam in Birchas Avraham, siman
[10] באמת גם לדברי
השו"ע הרב (סימן שמ"ה סעיף י"ט), יל"פ מש"כ שאינו נח
תשמיש הליכתו, שקאי על הספינה דמשו"ה לא הוי רה"ר, היינו
כיון שאין יכולין לדרוס ברגל כ"א בספינות מפני המים, משו"ה לא הוי
רה"ר, ומה שלא כתבו הטעם משום דספינות הוי רה"י, היינו משום דיש ספינות
שאינו רה"י, וכמו שראינו בדברי השבלי הלקט (דף מ"ב) שכתב וז"ל: כתב
הרב אביגדור כהן צדק
דוגית שאינה גבוה מן המים עשרה טפחים אין מטלטלין בה, וכ"כ אח"כ
וז"ל: ומצאתי בדברי הגאונים שאם המחוז יבש שאין הספינה יכולה להתקרב ביבשה
וכו', מותר לירד בעברה הוא ביצת קטנה שהעברה הוא
כגשר, והר"ר אביגדור כהן צדק כתב
שאין ליכנס בדוגית קטנה עי"ש, הרי שהיה שכיח טובא ספינות כאלו, שאינם רה"י, ע"כ כתבו טעם
דשייך על כל הספינות.
[11] At the outset, it is important to note that the
poskim maintain (Kuntres Tikkun Eruvin Manhattan, p. 108; Kinyan
Torah, 4:40:7, and Rechovas Ha’ir, 23:2) that the same people
traversing a road in both directions (even if we include in the tally those
traveling in a vehicle) are only counted traveling in one direction. Consequently, since the following statistics
include many of the same people coming and going, the actual number of those
passing through would be closer to half the number cited here. The approximate statistics
quoted here are all culled from the US Census and the average daily weekday MTA
and city and state DOT statistics.
The parkway has at the most 43,000 vehicles
[with an average of 1.5 occupants per vehicle] traversing it daily in both
directions. If we tally the average daily vehicular traffic of all of the
parkways intersecting roads, it would be approximately 200,000 vehicles
traversing it daily in both directions (some of these vehicles actually turn on
to the parkway and were already included with those passing over the parkway
itself). Roughly 25,000 people live along the length of the parkway (and many
of them were already included in the subway, buses and vehicular totals). If we
add those entering and exiting the subway stations along the length of the
parkway, it would be approximately 40,000 people. Regarding buses, it is
difficult to figure how many people are actually passing over the parkway itself
since the MTA’s ridership statistics include the buses’ entire run. The tally
on the entire length of the many bus routes that traverse all of the bisecting
roads of the parkway, is roughly 150,000 people riding the buses daily in both
Consequently, a
rational total for the parkway with all of its intersecting roads [by adding up
the figures and including average occupancy and then dividing the total in
half] would be roughly 275,000 unique people
daily, which is far from the requirement of 600,000 people passing over the
road on a daily basis. Moreover, these are average weekday statistics. Shabbos
and Sunday are not included, and in fact, the average tally is considerable
less on these two days. Therefore, since according to the Alter Rebbe the
criterion of shishim ribo is a daily requirement and on these two days
of the week Eastern Parkway has far fewer people traversing it, the parkway would
definitely not be classified as a reshus harabbim. Furthermore, as I
mentioned above, the overwhelming majority of poskim maintain that we do
not include in the tally those traveling in a vehicle; thus, the total is not
even close to the prerequisite of 600,000 people traversing the road on a daily
However, this is all
an exercise in futility, since only those traversing a particular section of
the road are included in the tally. Moreover, even if the parkway meets the
criterion of shishim ribo, there are additional criteria of a reshus
harabbim [mefulash and mechitzos] which would render the
parkway a reshus hayachid me’d’Oraysa.