Sunday, July 04, 2010

Eruvin in the News: Jerusalem 7

Eruv Sabotage in South Jerusalem Ratcheted Up

By Yechiel Sever

Hundreds of thousands of south Jerusalem residents were left without a proper eruv following the latest act of sabotage in an ongoing series of attacks against eruv poles. The relentless strikes have been taking place for several years, and in the recent incident dozens of poles were uprooted to the southwest of the city, using bulldozers stolen from the site after razing the poles' foundations.

During a routine inspection of the eruv last week, rabbis from the Jerusalem Religious Council were surprised to find the extensive damage near Rechov Panama in the Kiryat Menachem neighborhood. They spoke out angrily against the regular cutting of eruv lines, causing many people to transgress the prohibition against carrying. Read on...

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