Monday, November 20, 2006

Eruvin in the News: Venice Beach, CA 5

Synagogue to Get Sacred Boundary

Commission Approves a Plan to Create an Eruv, or Symbolic Line, Through Westside Beach Areas After Ensuring Rare Birds Will be Protected.

By Duke Helfand and Charles Ornstein
November 20, 2006

An Orthodox synagogue has won permission to string a religious boundary along the beach from Santa Monica to Marina del Rey after agreeing to take steps to protect a rare bird that nests in the coastal area.

Members of the Pacific Jewish Center in Venice welcomed the California Coastal Commission's decision last week to grant their request to run fishing line between lampposts and sign poles through several miles of prime beachfront, creating an unbroken symbolic border. Read on ...

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The Bais Ephraim Revisited

  As I have written on numerous occasions the argument that the Bais Ephraim maintains that pirtzos esser [breaches of ten amos wide] is ...