The Sefer – Page 55 (continued):
It should be noted that private roads, such as roads that
are designated for residents of a residential development, are similar to
muvaos in the time of Chazal and are clearly not reshuyos harabim. One should
also note that an eruv constructed using the principle of omed merubeah, where
three sides of an eruv are constructed using the physical partitions that
comprise a majority of their respective sides, is superior than the typical
eruv of tzuros hapesach, and perhaps ba’alei nefesh may use it, as well.
Rebuttal: The statement that perhaps even a Baal Nefesh
can rely on an eruv employing the principle of omed merubah
demonstrates that the authors’ ultimate goal is to sow doubt regarding all city
eruvin. There is no doubt that even more than relying on the criterion
of shishim ribo, just about all poskim would allow eruvin
consisting of mechitzos that are omed merubeh al haparutz (there
are even situations in which case the Mishkenos Yaakov would allow such eruvin).
While there is no need to explicate what is a given, I will just cite a few of
the poskim who maintain that mechitzos are superior to the
criterion of shishim ribo, Bais Ephraim (p. 49b); Bais Shlomo
(siman 51); Avnei Nezer (O.C. 279:2), and Chazon Ish
(siman 107:7). [See more about this issue in Section Three.]
The Sefer – Page 55 (continued):
Additionally, wherever there is even a slight chance of
an actual reshus harabim, every effort should be made to attempt such an eruv
as there are opinions that such an eruv may not be subject to the limitations
of tzuras hapesach.(40)
Rebuttal: In
fact, until sixty years ago, there never was a question if an eruv
should be established, even in large cities containing shishim ribo, only
how to establish an eruv. Today with the “Chevrah Hilchos Issurei Eruvin,” the
question is how not to establish/allow a city eruv. It is not just “opinions” that an eruv
consisting of mechitzos is superior to tzuras hapesachim; it is
the overwhelming majority of poskim who maintain as such.
The Sefer – Footnote 40:
מהלך זו נבנה על כמה יסודות אבל אין כולם מוסכמים לדעת כל
הפוסקים. ...
Rebuttal: Of
course, it is always
possible to cite shitos
yachidos to invalidate an eruv;
however, ruling according to shitos
yachidos is not the correct approach in halachah. [The Chasam Sofer writes (Y.D. 37) that if we
were to collect all the shitos
ha’ossrim we would not be able to eat bread or drink water.] Even
more so in hilchos
eruvin, since all criteria have to be met for the area to be
classified as a reshus
harabbim, even if we were to employ a shitas yachid regarding reshus harabbim that
would then disqualify the eruv
based on only one criterion, the other conditions would not be met and an eruv would be
permissible l’chatchilah.
Consequently, to invalidate an eruv,
one would have to selectively choose from disparate shitos yachidos ― which in many cases
are contradictory ― and that is an unjustifiable approach to halachah. The
reality is that if someone learns hilchos eruvin with an open mind, he would
realize that since it is almost impossible to meet all the criteria of a reshus harabbim,
creating an eruv
l’chatchilah is a real possibility.
The Sefer – Footnote 40 (continued):
שקי״ל לא אתי רבים ומבטלי מחיצות וא"כ בכה״ג כשיש שם ד׳ מחיצות אפשר להקל,
כדאיתא בעירובין כב. וכן הוא דעת כמה אחרונים דקי״ל לא אתי רבים והרי הם החזו״א
עירובין סי׳ מ״ג ס״ק ה׳ וסי׳ י׳ ס״ק י', והבית אפרים סי׳ כ״ו שהוכיח כן מהמג״א סי'
שס״ג ס״ק ל', וכן דעת התוספת שבת שס"ג ס״ק פ״ב. וגר"ז סי' שמ״ה בקונטרס
אחרון ס״ק ב', ובסי׳ שס"ג מ״ב, אבני נזר סי׳ רע״ט אות ב', וחת״ס סי' פ״ט,
וערוך השולחן סי׳ שס״ד. ...
Rebuttal: The
authors cite a number of Achronim
who pasken lo asu
rabbim u’mevatlei mechitzta; however, in addition to the above mentioned Achronim,
the overwhelming majority of poskim maintain lo asu rabbim u’mevatlei mechitzta (see Section
One, note 2).
While there may be a few poskim who posit otherwise, since
it is the overwhelming majority of Achronim whom maintain lo asu
rabbim u’mevatlei mechitzta, there is no doubt that this is the way we pasken.
The Sefer – Footnote 40 (continued):
דעת המ״ב סי' שס"ד בבה״ל סעיף ב׳ ס״ל דקי״ל דאתי רבים וכן הוא דעת המשכנות
יעקב סי' קכ״א, ...
Rebuttal: There is a major misunderstanding regarding whom the Mishnah
Berurah follows, the Chachamim and Rav Elazar [lo asu rabbim
u’mevatlei mechitzta], or Rav Yehudah [asu rabbim u’mevatlei mechitzta]
and Rav Yochanan [delasos neulos]. From the above cited Biur Halachah, the
authors argue that the Mishnah Berurah follows Rav Yehudah, since he argues
that most poskim do not accept the Rambam who follows Rav Elazar who
allows a tzuras hapesach on a d’Oraysa level. This is incorrect.
The fact is the Mishnah Berurah in Shaar HaTziyun, siman
363:94, maintains that we pasken lo asu rabbim u’mevatlei mechitzta even
in a situation of mechitzos b’y’dai shomayim [natural walls] (see also Biur
Halachah, ibid., 36). It follows that the Mishnah Berurah in 363:156
argues that it is halachically sufficient if a tel hamislaket [a
slope with an adequate halachic gradient] encompasses an entire city and does
not mention that a Baal Nefesh should be stringent because there may be
roads that are wider than 16 amos.
then does the Mishnah Berurah quoted by the authors (Biur Halachah,
364:2) accept Rav Yochanan who requires delasos neulos? Subsequent
to what I argue above [that the Mishnah Berurah upholds lo asu rabbim
u’mevatlei mechitzta], there is no doubt that the Mishnah Berurah is
only following the majority of poskim who maintain that Rav Yochanan can
also be in agreement with the Chachamim, and they would in certain
situations require delasos [actually this is the Bais Ephraim’s
and Chazon Ish’s (and as mentioned above in my rebuttal to note 36, the Shulchan
Aruch HaRav’s) argument, and in fact, both the Ravyah (p. 270, 276)
and Eshkol (siman 64-65) quote Rav Yochanan yet pasken
like the Chachamim which buttresses the Bais Ephraim’s and Chazon
Ish’s assertion]. This is further evident from the fact that the Mishnah
Berurah (Biur Halachah, 364:2) only affirms that the Rif and
the Rosh follow Rav Yochanan regarding delasos neulos but
does not articulate that they pasken like Rav Yehudah.
short, the Mishnah Berurah maintains lo asu rabbim like the
Chachamim, but in
a situation of only two mechitzos, he requires delasos like Rav
Yochanan. This follows why the Mishnah Berurah asserted that the Rambam
[according to his understanding] who maintains lo asu rabbim of a tzuras
hapesach on a d’Oraysa level is in disagreement with most poskim who
follow the Chachamim as they
would require delasos like Rav
Yochanan in a situation of only two mechitzos, and a tzuras hapesach on a d’Oraysa level would not be
The Sefer – Footnote 40 (continued):
הוא דעת כמה ראשונים הרי הם הרשב״א והריטב״א דס״ל דאתי רבים, וכן דעת הרי״ף
והרא״ש. ...
Rebuttal: It is interesting that the authors only mention those Rishonim
who psaken asu rabbim u’mevatlei mechitzta,
but they fail to mention
any of the Rishonim who maintain lo asu rabbim u’mevatlei
mechitzta. In fact, the
overwhelming majority of Rishonim pasken lo asu rabbim (see Section One,
note 2).
Furthermore, I am
surprised that the authors failed to mention that the Even HaOzer, Shulchan
Aruch Harav, Bais Ephraim, Avnei Nezer, and the Chazon Ish
(among others) argue that even though the Rif and the Rosh quote
Rav Yochanan, they could pasken like the Chachamim (as I
mentioned above).
The Sefer – Footnote 40 (continued):
שמענו מרב א׳ ששאל מהגרי״ש אלישיב והשיב דקי״ל למעשה דלא אתי רבים. ...
I appreciate this piece of information; however, it has been
mentioned previously in the name of Rav Elyashiv zt”l regarding the
Toronto eruv that he upholds lo asu rabbim (The Toronto
Community Eruv, p. 15). In any case,
where do you think that Rav Elyashiv came up with this p’sak? No doubt
because this is the opinion of the overwhelming majority of poskim.
The Sefer – Footnote 40 (continued):
דלשם ד׳ מחיצות מספיק ג׳ מחיצות ול״צ ד׳ מחיצות (ודלא כהאבן העוזר דמצריך ד׳
מחיצות). ...
Rebuttal: Actually,
the Even HaOzer
is referring to shem
gimmel mechitzos and not shem
daled. In fact, the Even HaOzer clearly maintains further on lo asu rabbim in a situation
of gimmel
mechitzos. In any case, even
if there is a posek that requires daled mechitzos, we do not
accept his opinion l’halachah. Therefore, it is not as if we are mekil if we do not
follow this shitah
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