Sunday, December 11, 2011

A New Low in the Eruv Imbroglio

This past Friday night, a terrible tragedy happened. A 62 year old man, R’ Elimelech Weiss z"l, was killed when a car hit him in Williamsburg. Brooklyn. R’ Elimelech was an exceptional individual who helped many people and was also involved with the establishment of the Williamsburg eruv.

Unfortunately, even before R’ Elimelech was a shochen afar, some miscreants threw out pashkevil (see here) stating that this calamity befell him because he made use of the eruv for which his punishment is death (a mechalel Shabbos receives skilah). These demented individuals who belong to the anti-eruv cabal believe that they are privy to the goings on in shomayim and are the Ribono Shel Olam’s policemen. That they have the temerity to add to the pain of the family in these trying times illustrates to what length the cabal would go and how perverted their cause has become. [In fact, it was to his benefit that he was using the eruv since he was identified by the keys that he was carrying.]

Clearly the liability lies with those rabbanim in Williamsburg who allow the vicious campaign of harassment against those who make use of the eruv. It is high time that they publicly reprimand these rabble-rousers. Furthermore, those rabbanim who were imported from Flatbush (see here and here) to lend credibility to the campaign against the eruv have a responsibility to be mocheh, as well.

However, I will not hold my breath. These rabbanim are actually the supporters of these scoundrels and want the campaign to continue. I am hoping that this new low that the rabble-rousers reached demonstrates to all rational minded people that the anti-eruv cabal are vicious and mean spirited people and that their campaign definitely has nothing to do with our Torah but only with mi brosh.

The Bais Ephraim Revisited

  As I have written on numerous occasions the argument that the Bais Ephraim maintains that pirtzos esser [breaches of ten amos wide] is ...