The Kuntres: Other problems with a Large Eiruv
It is also important to stress several
points that are well known to anyone who has dealt with the practicalities of
constructing and maintaining a large-scale eiruv.
Rebuttal: As I mentioned in the preface, the
opposition to eruvin has created an atmosphere where rabbanim are
uncomfortable giving hechsherim even on neighborhood eruvin. As a
matter of fact, there are much larger eruvin than the community wide
Lakewood Eruv, such as in Eretz Yisroel, and most people utilize the eruv,
v'ein pozeh peh umetzavtzeh.
The Kuntres: 1) Large eiruvin generally rely extensively on
tzuros hapesach for the necessary enclosure. Even one damaged tzuras hapesach
will generally invalidate the eiruv entirely!
Thus, the argument that a large eiruv clearly helps to
reduce chillul Shabbos is far from a convincing argument. Very often, the
opposite can be true. If even one damaged tzuras hapesacli goes unnoticed, large
numbers of people can be mechalel Shabbos inadvertently. This is a fact that
can be attested to, by anyone involved in eiruvin today. As a matter of fact,
many eiruvin that have large amounts of tzuros hnpesach need some level of
repair on an almost weekly basis!
[Although some eiruvin are constructed in a manner that avoid this issue, by the
use of utility poles, this often comes with certain halachic leniencies upon
which need to be relied].
Rebuttal: Actually, the neighborhood eruvin
require much upkeep and suffer from considerable neglect. It would be much
better to have one community wide eruv under one hechsher. The
argument that one downed tzuras hapesach will generally invalidate the
entire eruv is inane. In such a situation, even a neighborhood eruv
would be nullified. Moreover, if a neighborhood eruv does not have to
rely on any leniencies, so too a community wide eruv would not need to
rely on leniencies.
The Kuntres: 2) The eiruv must undergo, weekly, a thorough and
professional inspection. Furthermore, a mashgiach who is well versed in the relevant halachos must be the one to conduct this
inspection. A Torah scholar who is qualified for the task must be paid in a
manner commensurate with his expertise, and effort. This can prove to be a
formidable cost. Very often, in the long run, the eiruv inspection is given
over to unpaid/unlearned volunteers. The halachic risks of this are obvious.
Rebuttal: This actually is an argument for one
community wide eruv under one hechsher since it would be much
easier to monitor. In any case, the Baal
Hakuntres is trying to distinguish eruvin from other hechsherim,
insinuating that eruvin is some kind of unique inyan that
requires special care unlike other hechsherim. In fact, there is no
difference between a hechsher on eruvin and other hechsherim;
they all require diligence.
The Kuntres: 3) Last minute shailos
When making sure that the eiruv is valid for use on Shabbos,
last minute shailos are asked and a pressured decision must be made.
Oftentimes, kulos and halachic "bidieveds" are followed, or the
decision is made to rely on a" chazakah" which may not be
halachically viable.
Rebuttal: Again, this actually is an argument for
one community wide eruv under one hechsher since at least it is
monitored and the shailos will be observed. Unfortunately, no shailos are asked
regarding many of the neighborhood eruvin.
The Kuntres: 4) Renting from Non-Jews
A large eiruv, runs into the problem of non-Jews who live
within the eiruv. In order
for the eiruv to be valid, the non-Jews' property must be properly rented by
the Jewish residents. In large eiruvin where it impossible to rent from them
individually, some sort of rental agreement with the local government, or with
local utility companies is executed. The process by which this is accomplished
today is far from agreed upon by prominent Poskim, for several reasons, and is
a major reason why prominent Poskim strongly encourage a ben-torah to refrain
from using such eiruvin.
Rebuttal: This issue is most definitely a matter
of a d’rabbanan, and thus, according to all, we employ the maxim halachah
k’divrei hameikil b’eruvin. It is ironic that concerning the ability to
enact these agreements, those who are machmir regarding eruvin
seek stringencies, when all along we were told that the reason for their
vociferous opposition was because the matter is a d’Oraysa. Apparently,
the search for stringencies on the topic of eruvin is now even regarding
matters of d’rabbanan. Even if it was true that these issues, “are far
from agreed upon by prominent poskim,” since others disagree, we would
then say halachah k’divrei hameikil b’eruvin, and can follow those poskim
who are mekil.
In fact, the streets of the neighborhood eruvin also
require some sort of rental agreement so bnei-Torah should refrain from
using these eruvin, as well. All I can say is good luck. [It should be
mentioned that a sefer will be published shortly that will set the
record straight regarding these issues.]
The Kuntres: 5) Karfef
Another problem which is prevalent in large eiruvin is the
issue of "karfef', which means, that if there is an area inside the eiruv which is not available for
residential use, it may invalidate the entire eiruv. For example, an area with
overgrowth often presents a problem of "karfef' in large eiruvin.
Rebuttal: This is not a new issue, and to quote
Rav Fishel Hershkowitz zt”l, every city in Europe had an issue with karpeifos, but the poskim always found a way to allow an eruv.
As a matter of fact, some of the neighborhood eruvin also contain karpeifos.
The Kuntres: 6) Sratia Me'ir Le'ir [Intercity roads]
A final problem, which is common to many large eiruvin, is
the inclusion of roads that are used to travel from city to city. According to
the Ramban (ערובין
נ"ט ע"ב) the
authorities that are of the opinion, that a road must service 600,000 people to
qualify as a reshus harrabim, are referring to a city street [which is a local
travel route]. However, an intercity road [i.e. a road that is used to travel
from city to city] does not need to actually service 600,000 people in order to
qualify as a reshus harrabim, as it is considered an "intrinsically public
road" [i.e. a road that services "all people"]
Rebuttal: As I mentioned (note 6 and 18), while
some Rishonim may label a road as a sratya even though it is
inside of the city limits, the Rishonim (Ramban, and Piskei
Rid) who maintain that a sratya would not need to fulfill the
criterion of shishim ribo clearly state that they are referring to a sratya
that is an intercity road outside of the city boundaries. The few Achronim
(Bais Yaakov and Yeshuos Malko) who follow these Rishonim
are also referring to an actual intercity road outside of the city limits, and
only those roads would not need shishim ribo traversing therein to be
categorized as a reshus harabbim. However, those poskim who refer
to the main road inside of the city limits as a sratya (Bais Ephraim
and Avnei Nezer) uphold that it would need to fulfill the criterion of shishim
ribo to be classified as a reshus harabbim (besides for maybe Rav
Chaim Volozhiner).
Moreover, the overwhelming majority of Rishonim and Achronim
disagree with the Ramban and Tosfos Rid and maintain that there
is no difference between roads inside of the city and those that are outside of
the city limits: both would need to fulfill the criterion of shishim ribo
to be classified as a reshus harabbim.
The Kuntres: This Ramban is brought down in Biur Halacha (סימן שמ"ה ס"ז בסו"ד) Furthermore, Rav Chaim Volozhiner [in the abovementioned
recently published teshuva] says unequivocally, that "there is no room for
leniency in this matter"
Rebuttal: The Ramban clearly states that a
sratya is an intercity road which is not within the city limits. Hence,
even if we were to pasken like the Ramban that a sratya
does not require shishim ribo to be classified as a reshus harabbim,
the roads in Lakewood proper would not be categorized as sratyas. It is important to note that Rav Chaim
Volozhiner most probably did not see the Ramban (we know that his talmid
the Mishkenos Yaakov was made aware of the Ramban after the Bais
Ephraim pointed it out to him), and if he would have seen that the Ramban
said clearly that a sratya is outside of the city limits, he possibly
would have agreed (while it is beyond the scope of this article, there is what
to discuss regarding what Rav Chaim Volozhiner was referring to by a sratya
included in the city). In any case, Rav Chaim Volozhiner would not categorize
Rt. 9 as a derech hamelech/sratya, since it is not mainly
used by Lakewood inhabitants for intercity travel.
[While the Baal Hakuntres mentions in his Kuntres
HaDoreshes Masa'as Shabbos (vol. 2, anaf aleph; where he describes
the classification of a sratya) that the Rivash maintains that a sratya
is outside of the city boundaries, he fails to mention there that the Ramban,
whose shita he is trying to convince the world to follow, also upholds
that a sratya is outside of the city limits. Hence, it is incongruous to
object to an eruv because of the Ramban’s understanding of shishim
ribo and sratya, when he clearly maintains that those roads inside
the city limits are not categorized as sratyas and would unquestionably
require shishim ribo to be classified as a reshus harabbim.]
The Kuntres: Therefore, although there are great Poskim that rule
leniently in this matter as well one cannot ignore the added seriousness
involved in the decision to construct and use an eiruv on such a road, especially when there is a lack of true
Rebuttal: The Rama (357:3) maintains that
a sratya even outside of a city requires shishim ribo to be
classified as a reshus harabbim. We, Benei Ashkenaz, follow the Rama.
The overwhelming majority of poskim uphold the Rama’s opinion, so
there is no doubt that we, “rule leniently in this matter.” Furthermore, the Bais
Ephraim, whose opinion regarding eruvin are the ones we rely on,
clearly maintains that a sratya included in the city requires shishim
ribo to be classified as a reshus harabbim.
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Greatt post thank you
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